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The MTY Job Ready Program gives participants access to accredited and non-accredited job training and work experience across a range of different industries. Areas of work and learning include, but are not limited to:  trades, farming, hospitality, tourism, maintenance, creative arts, animal care, landscape work, gardening, cooking, cleaning, etc…

Our participants will begin to experience workdays as if they were on the job. They will be eased into the routine of getting ready for work, going to work, coming back from work and all the while learning to take care of themselves and their own needs. During this stage of the program, they’ll acquire the skills, attitudes, work ethic, resilience, perseverance, and integrity required for the world of training and employment.

This part of the program will help them identify where their natural skills and talents lie and what careers / passions they might be interested in pursuing. These work experiences have been designed to further develop strong, positive relationships between mentors and mentees, and to allow our participants to start to develop mastery of their chosen pursuits.

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